Recover your backup now!

If you are having problems with backup windows, backup failures, the rising costs of backup, or your backup and recovery process is more than a year or so old, it is past time to take another look at it.

Every IT shop of any size has a data backup and recovery plan and process in place. However, over time requirements change, hardware changes, software changes, environments change, and personnel changes. If you only need a review of your current environment, you may want to consider our Health Check offering. However, if you already know you have issues, our Data Protection and Recovery Consulting Services may be more in order.

Our engineers have extensive backgrounds in data storage and data protection. That means they have enough experience to know that the issue is not data backup, the issue is protecting the data in the first place and if it is lost, recovering it. Data backup is only the means to the end. Many disaster recovery products and companies will sell you backup solutions with little emphasis on the recovery aspect. We take the opposite approach.

Our engineers will review your needs and design a solution that will meet your PROTECTION requirements and your RECOVERY requirements and then design the backup process that will assist in the achievement of meeting those requirements.

Being a multi-vendor company, we can pick and choose a full solution or pieces of solutions that our various partners offer to build a customized solution for your environment. As part of our service we will design the infrastructure, build the infrastructure and deliver knowledge transfer to allow your own personnel to use and maintain the infrastructure.

If you only need a partial solution or an adaptation of your current solution, we are flexible enough to meet your needs. We won’t try to make your needs fit our solution we’ll make our solution fit your needs.